Crisis Management

About the study

Crisis conditions are those conditions in which a larger or smaller group of people is threatened to such an extent that they become unable to control the course of events and successfully handle the damage caused by the crisis. This professional graduate study programme offers you competences related to the planning and implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing and mitigating the effects of crises and disasters in companies or the human environment, as well as providing professional assistance and coordinating first responder teams and equipment during and after a crisis or a disaster.

About the study

The study programme is aimed primarily at people who deal with the protection and security aspects of crises in legal entities, businesses, local and regional administrative bodies, as well as state administration bodies.

Crisis management is very complex and responsible, and it involves different tasks depending on the activities and the domain of individual legal entities, business enterprises, local or regional administrative bodies and state administration bodies. For this reason, it is of utmost importance to establish a protection system which prevents the occurrence of crises, increases resilience to their effects and boosts the capabilities for post-crisis recovery. Thorough knowledge of potential crisis processes and the ability to manage the protection system is a fundamental crisis management task.

By graduating from the “Specialist graduate professional study programme in Crisis Management”, the students gain specialist knowledge and competences needed to independently resolve crisis management processes, control the processes and systems of protection and security management in the public and private sector, particularly in the economy at the national and international level, as well as coordinate activities with the functional activity management system of an organisation.

Graduates will be trained to solve crisis management problems, manage public and corporate security and lead humanitarian and security operations in accordance with applicable and relevant national, EU and international directives and standards.

Upon the successful completion of the specialist graduate professional study programme in crisis management, the students will acquire new 120 ECTS credits and earn a degree as professional specialist crisis management engineers with a total of 300 ECTS credits, enabling them to continue their studies in Croatia or abroad, in accordance with the law.


Klinički bolnički centar Sestre milosrdnice

Ravnateljstvo za civilnu zaštitu – MUP

Hrvatska vatrogasna zajednica

Hrvatska gorska služba spašavanja

Hrvatski zavod za hitnu medicinu

Platforma hrvatskih županija i gradova za smanjenje rizika od katastrofa

Hrvatski centar za potresno inženjerstvo

Zavod za javno zdravstvo Zagrebačke županije

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