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Studenti se vratili u klupe – održan Info dan za naše brucoše
Prvi dan akademske godine vratio je studente u klupe. Osim studenata viših godina, prvi puta su u predavaonice stigli naši brucoši. Okupljene u dvorani G studente prvih godina pozdravila je u ime Veleučilišta v. d. dekana dr. sc. Tamara Čendo Metzinger. “Kao 21. generacija studenata Veleučilišta Velika Gorica postajete važan dio u njegovom daljnjem razvoju, …
Početak nastave i Info dan za studente u ponedjeljak – dobro nam došli
U ponedjeljak, 30. rujna počinje nastava za sve naše studente na stručnim prijediplomskim i diplomskim studijima. Uoči samog početka nastave održat će se Info dan kako bi studentima ponudili odgovore na njihova pitanja, upoznali ih sa službama Veleučilišta koje će pratiti njihovo studiranje te im poželjeli dobrodošlicu. Početak je u 17 sati. Čekamo vas u …
Uloži u znanje, investiraj u svoju budućnost
Barbora Haškova
Za Erasmus studijski program na Veleučilištu Velika Gorica prvi sam puta čula u listopadu 2013. Bila sam vrlo impresionirana mogućnošću studija u inozemstvu. Nadala sam se da će mi boravak u stranoj zemlji donijeti važne spoznaje u mojoj branši, nove kolege i prijatelje, nepoznata mjesta koja mogu posjetiti, novu kulturu i navike ... Sada mislim da sam bila vrlo sretna što sam imala priliku doći na studij u Hrvatsku. No, početak je bio težak, jer tri moje kolegice i ja prve smo studentice optike i optometrije koje su otišle na studij u inozemstvo preko Erasmus programa.
Katerina Rosova
Moja priprema za Erasmus bila je malo u žurbi pa i nisam baš vjerovala da će sve biti u redu i da ću doista otići na studij na Veleučilište Velika Gorica. No, sve je dobro prošlo, pa smo konačno došle do Velike Gorice.
Predavanja su počela ubrzo nakon našeg dolaska. Naučila sam puno novih stvari na Veleučilištu, a posebno mi je drago da smo imale jako puno prakse, što prije u mom obrazovanju nije bio slučaj. Također smo imale vremena i za odlazak na izlete i putovanja. Posjetili smo mnogo lijepih mjesta u Turopolju i drugim dijelovima Hrvatske.
Veronika Krchnakova
Bila sam puna očekivanja i, priznajem, malo uplašena…pitanje je bilo: Hoću li moći izdržati nove izazove? No, ispostavilo se da su ljudi vrlo ljubazni, susretljivi i veseli. Pomagali su nam svojim vrijednim iskustvima i savjetima.
Usvojila sam puno novih znanja o ugradnji kontaktnih leća, binokularnom vidu, optičkim i optometrijskim instrumentima, farmakologiji, a znatno sam poboljšala i svoje komunikacijske vještine. Pronašla sam ovdje i nove prijatelje i puno dobre zabave na proputovanju s prijateljicama diljem Hrvatske. Posljednje, ali ne i najmanje važno iskustvo i za mene je bilo sudjelovanje na Drugoj optometrijskoj konferenciji srednje i jugoistočne Europe u Rovinju. Imale smo priliku biti dio organizacijskog tima, te slušati zanimljiva predavanja i sudjelovati na radionicama. No, imale smo i vremena za posjet ovom slikovitom gradu.
Zuzana Odvarkova
Uvijek sam željela posjetiti i upoznati neku drugu zemlju. Prije pola godine odlučila sam pokušati pronaći nova iskustva u Hrvatskoj kroz program Erasmus.Na početku nisam bila sigurna kako ću se snaći, ali za mene je ipak bilo najvažnije što sam uvijek pronašla osmijeh, ljubazne i otvorene ljude. Svi su nam željeli pomoći, svatko je sa svoje strane učinio najbolje. Zato sam se osjećala jako dobro, kao da sam među prijateljima.
No, stekla sam doista i nekoliko pravih prijatelja i upoznala puno dobrih ljudi koji su ostavili traga u mojim sjećanjima. Na kraju mogu reći da sam uživala u vremenu provedenom među ljudima u Velikoj Gorici. Što se tiče studija, naučila sam doista puno toga što će mi koristiti u Češkoj i zato želim reći hvala za dobro novo iskustvo.
My name is Joona, a 26-year-old second year safety and security management student from Finland. I chose the University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica because of its interesting courses. Crisis and disaster management, terrorism and other similar courses seemed important and they are also very topical in today’s world. Warm weather, due to Croatia’s southern location, was also important factor when I was choosing my exchange program.
Mika Veijalainen
My name is Mika Veijalainen. I am a 26-year old, second year Security Management student from Espoo, Finland. I chose Croatia as an exchange destination mainly, because of the courses Velika Gorica University was offering. In Finland we don’t have many experts that have studied the courses that Velika Gorica is offering, so, I thought that I would give me an advantage when applying for a job.
Malik Kadrić
Bosna i Hercegovina
Na studiju održavanja računalnih sustava sviđa mi se sistem rada jer, osim teorije, ima i dosta prakse. Naime, poznato je da teorija koju podupire praksa daje korisno znanje. Uz to, Veleučiliste za partnere ima Cisco, Microsoft i Conris. S takvim certifikatima i pristojno znanje koje im daje studij, studenti će zasigurno biti konkurentni na tržištu rada. Naravno, bez odgovarujuće računarske opreme te informacijskog sustava to sve ne bih bilo moguće. Učionice su opremljene izuzetno dobro, te sama povezanost informacijskog sustava je na visokoj razini. U svakom slučaju, VVG će biti jedno lijepo iskustvo za mene.
Daniel and Maximilian
The first impression of Croatia is excellent. The general life is very similar to the german lifestyle, but there are a few cultural differences. For pointing some general differences we particularly noticed four characteristics of Croatia that are better than in Germany.
1. The weather is a lot better than in Germany.
2. The Croatian people are very hospitable, friendly and open-minded.
3. The security in this country is very high.
4. The cost of living is much lower than in Germany.
Given the current situation with Corona, unfortunately we haven't been able to travel very much. Hopefully this can all be made up for.
Goncalo, Pedro Miguel i Micael
Ova trojica simpatičnih studenata su u sklopu Erasmus razmjene boravili jedan semestar na Veleučilištu Velika Gorica. Oni su studenti Instituta de Politecnico de Coimbra – Coimbra health school iz Portugala.
Silvia, Mariana, Juliana
We are 3 Erasmus students and we came from Portugal. We study in the city of Coimbra, students' city, in Coimbra Health School and we are at the 4th year of the Environmental Health course.
We came from three different points of the country: From the center of Portugal, from a village called Sertã comes Sílvia Pedro; from the city of Coimbra, comes Mariana Girão; from the coast, from the city of Leiria comes Juliana Santos. We chose Croatia as the Erasmus destination country because we listened to the experiences of our colleagues who had been doing this program previously in this college and we were delighted. In addition, we really wanted to get to know this country, its people, its customs and traditions, its wonderful landscapes and the crystal clear waters that surround the coast.
We hope these 3 months will be the best experiences of our lifes and exceed our expectations.
Balan Gabriel
My adventure in Croatia has a good start, begining with my first flight till now and I must say it was an interesting experience. Weather it’s not so diffrent for now compared to the one from my home, but I see a lot of amazing buildings surrounded by trees and a lot of green, that is something I don’t remember seeing in the cities I’ve been in Romania, so it’s a pleasant view around.
The people seem nice, when I ask for some help either they understand or not what I’m asking they are trying to be helpful. As for the rest I’m just beginning to make some friends around, mostly till now from Erasmus programme or similar programmes. I believe there it’s still a lot to explore and many people to meet. In the same time, I can’t wait to discover what other new strategies and information I can gather at this university.
It’s now my second trip to Croatia. Back in 2016, during my undergraduate study program, I was at VVG the first time. I had a great time here and I didn’t want to go back to Germany – that’s why I stayed for almost one year. I’m now in the graduate study program and from the beginning it was clear that I wanted to go abroad again. I guess if you had such a great experience like I did in 2016, you too would get addicted to studying abroad and go again as soon as possible – that’s why I completed the Caminho Portugues track (240 kilometers) after I finished my Bachelor in 2017. Travelling through Europe is always a great experience. Countries in East Europe change so quickly. To be honest, from a cultural point of view Croatia was not the first choice this time because I already had such a good experience and I wanted to try something completely new. You have to be flexible if you want to take advantage from programs like Erasmus – it’s a lot of bureaucracy (thanks in advance to my Croatian hosts for the help) which means that modules have to be similar and this isn’t always easy especially during graduate program where each university sets a different technical focus.
I am 26 years old and come from Germany. I like to spend my free time riding my bike and walking in nature. I love soccer and furthermore, I like to spend time with my friends, drinking coffee or watching movies/series. Why Croatia and VVG ? Because my friend Stefan recommended it. He liked it at VVG and therefore recommended it to me. I also wanted to give the country a second chance because I was here before on my graduation trip in secondary school and I did not enjoy it so much.