When things go wrong, you remain calm under pressure? In that case, crisis management is the right study programme for you! Learn more and enrol into a unique study programme which will prepare you for the future.
About the study
Management in crisis situations is a study programme aimed at people who make decisions and/or provide professional support to decision-makers in legal entities, local and regional administrative bodies, state administration bodies and particularly police and military protection and rescue system.
As specific crisis situations, disasters occur when accidents or crises caused by nature (floods, fires, earthquakes) or human activity (environmental effects, terrorism etc.) affect people to such an extent that the affected population cannot control the course of events and successfully deal with the impacts, losses and damage. The frequency and severity of disasters can be largely reduced, or their effects mitigated, if greater attention is paid to predictions, observations, planning of assistance methods and general preparedness for adequate crisis or disaster response, should such an event occur.
Why choose this study programme?
The practical part of this study programme is implemented in cooperation with relevant state administration institutions (such as the National Protection and Rescue Directorate, ministries, counties, cities and municipalities), legal entities of special interest and importance for protection and rescue (public fire brigades, 112 centres, emergency medical services, Croatian Red Cross, search services, search and rescue at sea, Croatian Mountain Rescue Service etc.) and other major companies and collaborating institutions of the University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica.