Evgenia Karadineva
Evgenia Karadineva-Marx graduated from the National Professional High School of Engineering and Precision Optics “M.V. Lomonosov”- Sofia in 2007.
After moving to Germany she studied German at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. She also completed optometry modules within the course of optometry at the Ernst Abbe University including an internship at Cardiff University. Since 2009 she is working at the Jenalens Kontaktlinsenstudio GmbH, a privately owned optometry shop.
There she is responsible for optometric measurements, providing glasses and contact lens corrections to customers in all age groups.
In 2015 she finished a continuing education course dedicated to specialty contact lens fitting conducted at the Ernst-Abbe University Jena.
She was involved in the Bulgarian translation of the German book “Classification of Slit Lamp findings” which was published in November 2016 at the University “Sv.Kliment Ohridski” in Sofia.
Topic that will be lectured:
- Documentation and description of ocular findings (case study)