Petr Vesely
Petr Veselý works as associated teacher in Medical Faculty, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. He participates on education of students in study branches Optics and Optometry, Optometry, Ortoptics and Optometry in English language. Further he works as optometrist in Refractive center of Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry, Saint Anne’s University Hospital in Brno.
Petr Veselý has been working in professional branch optics and optometry nearly for over 20 years. Since 2008 he is a member of Czech Contactologist Association (CKS). Since 2009 he is a member of Czech Association of Optics and Optometrists (SCOO) and since 2015 is individual member of European Academy Optics and Optometry (EAOO). Every year he participates in national and international professional conferences where he publishes his scientific papers. He is the author or co-author of 3 professional printed books, 2 electronic books, 3 articles in scientific magazines with IF, 4 articles in Scopus and other more than 150 professional articles.
Topics that will be lectured:
- Veselý P., Beneš P.: Color Vision Defects and their Correction with Chromagen Lenses
- Beneš P., Veselý P.: Binoptometer – Screening and Examination of Basic Eye Visual Functions
- Beneš P., Veselý P.: Anterior eye cases in optometric practice