
International cooperation

Personal Identification Number (OIB)

The Personal Identification Number or PIN (cro. OIB – osobni identifikacijski broj) is a unique number used for identifying natural and legal persons in the Croatia. Incoming students and some incoming staff (KA171) are required to apply for the determination and assignment of a PIN. The number is required for enrolment and/or opening a local bank account.

You can get a PIN by requesting one in person at the National Tax Authority in Velika Gorica or Zagreb. The PIN is issued up to 8 days upon request. 

  • In Velika Gorica: Trg kralja Tomislava 34, 10410, Velika Gorica (map), 3 minute walk from the University
  • In Zagreb: Avenija Dubrovnik 32, 10000, Zagreb (map)

You will need the following documents:

  1. PIN request form (pdf) – fill out the information under 1 and 3
  2. Copy of passport (page with pictures) or copy of Euro ID (both sides)

The PIN is assigned only once and is valid for all future visits.

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