Low Vision

Lecture + Exercises + Seminar: 3 + 1 + 0

Course Aims: The students should demonstrate knowledge, understanding and skills, be able to discuss, explain, and manage patients whose vision cannot be improved significantly using conventional spectacles or contact lenses, in order to make the most of their residual vision, using magnifying systems and imaging technology. This course aims to provide the student with up-to-date knowledge in low vision care to provide a high standard of low vision care in community, optometry, for non-complex cases. Prepare the student in their clinical expertise and decision-making skills in the management of the patient with low vision with specific reference to goal setting; assessment of vision; provision of low vision aids; advice about lighting and other methods of enhancing vision; provision of information and advice; referral to other services including social services; re-appraisal of goals; and arrangement for follow up.

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